§ 35-3. General powers and duties of Grievance Board.  

Latest version.
  • The Grievance Board, as established herein, is hereby charged with the responsibility of carrying out the standards, principles and procedures of the grievance procedure, as herein set forth, and is hereby empowered as follows:
    To establish and maintain a program for resolving employee grievances relating to conditions of employment in the town government.
    To promulgate such regulations as may be desirable and necessary to carry out the provisions of this order of the Town Board, and to review and approve formal grievance procedures established by departments, boards, agencies, commissions and special districts of the town government pursuant to this order and pursuant to any such regulations.
    To hold hearings, to conduct investigations, to appoint fact-finding or advisory committees as witnesses, and to require the production or examination of records, books and papers of departments, boards, agencies, commissions or special districts of the town relating to matters before the Board; provided, however, that records, required by law to be confidential, shall not be subject to being produced.
    To report to the Presiding Supervisor, for such action as the Presiding Supervisor may deem necessary, the failure of any department, board, commission, agency or special district to establish properly or maintain satisfactorily the standards, principles, determinations and procedures embodied in or authorized by this order.
    To the best extent possible, to see that all employees are fully informed of their rights under the grievance procedure established herein.
    To render advice and assistance to employees and to administrative officers of the various departments, boards, agencies, commissions and special districts of the town government in any manner relating to the establishment or use of the procedures provided for or adopted pursuant to this order.