§ 13-2. Designation, status, qualifications and terms of designation of emergency interim successors.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Elective officers. Within 30 days following the effective date of this chapter, and thereafter within 30 days after any elective officer shall first enter upon the duties of his office, the Town Board shall designate, in addition to any duly authorized deputy of such officer, such number of interim successors to the powers and duties of such office, and specify their rank in order of succession after any duly authorized deputy so that there will be not less than three duly authorized deputies or emergency interim successors, or combination thereof, to perform the powers and duties of the office.
    Appointive officers. The Town Board shall within the time specified in Subdivision A of this section, in addition to any duly authorized deputy, designate for each such appointive officer such number of emergency interim successors to such officers and specify their rank in order of succession after any duly authorized deputy so that there will be not less than three duly authorized deputies or emergency interim successors, or combination thereof, for each such officer.
    Review of designations. The Town Board shall from time to time review and, as necessary, promptly revise the designations of emergency interim successors to insure that at all times there are at least three duly authorized deputies or emergency interim successors, or combinations thereof, for each elective and appointive officer of the town.
    Qualifications. No person shall be designated to, nor serve as, an emergency interim successor unless he is legally qualified to hold the office of the person to whose powers and duties he is designated to succeed, but no person shall be disqualified as an emergency interim successor only because he holds another town office.
    Status of emergency interim successor. A person designated as an emergency interim successor shall hold that designation at the pleasure of the Town Board, and such a designation shall remain effective until replaced by another by the authorized designator.
    Compensation. An emergency interim successor shall serve without salary, unless otherwise provided by ordinance or resolution. He shall, however, be entitled to reimbursement for actual expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of his powers and duties.